Name: | Gabriela Krupincová | |
Work place: | KTT, building B | |
Telephone: | +420 48 535 3424 | |
E-mail: | | |
Position: | assistant professor | |
Consulting hours: | by appointment | |
STAG: | STAG | |
Web of Science (RID): | Search | |
Scopus (AIS): | Author Identifier SCOPUS | |
RIV: | RIVID | |
Research Gate: | Research Gate | |
Personal website: ORCID: |
Research interests:
I currently work on regeneration of cotton waste and the impact of its use on yarn and subsequently on fabric quality not only in gray but also in finally treated state. I do research mostly in Materials Engineering and area of my interest is structure of fibrous assemblies, especially structure of linear textiles. To evaluate the quality influence in line fiber - yarn – fabric, I use the comparison of theoretical base with results from image analysis and mathematical statistics.